From scraps and waste to new energy!
In 2019 we were the first festival in Estonia to use real tableware and in 2023 we also did something different once again. In cooperation with our energy partner Neste, the world’s leading producer of renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel, we did something that had never been done in the Estonian festival field before - the festival used almost 100% renewable energy. In 2024 we continue to use renewable energy and cooperate with Neste!
Over the course of four festival days, the heart of I Land Sound will be pumped by the help of three generators, two of those support the music beats on our stages and the third one keeps the rest of the festival area alive. For the second year in a row, we won’t be powering the generators with fossil diesel, instead, we’ll use Neste MY Renewable Diesel made of 100 % waste and residue raw materials. Neste’s proprietary NEXBTL technology that turns renewable oils and fats into high-quality products.
The supply sources of Neste are carefully monitored and verified by the EU’s quality standards and sustainability criteria. Read more:
We’ll produce less greenhouse gasses
Compared to fossil fuel, the amount of greenhouse gases emitted from the use of Neste MY Renewable Diesel is on average 90%* lower. If we calculate the GHG emissions based on the amount of fuel used in the I land Sound festival generators 2024, the festival would emit approximately 11000 kg of CO2e. Meanwhile, with Neste MY, the festival carbon footprint would be approx. 920 kg of CO2e. The overall greenhouse gas emission reduction with Neste MY Renewable Diesel for Island Sound is equivalent to 8600 kg/CO2e.
*The methods used for the calculation are based on the European Union’s Renewable Energy Directive (EU RED II 2018/2001/EU ).
Nordic innovation
NEXBTL technology is Neste’s own innovation - a unique platform that allows Neste to turn a wide variety of renewable fats and oils into premium-quality renewable products, such as fuels and feedstock for polymers and chemicals production.
In 2023 Neste’s renewable solutions helped their clients to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions by about 11 million tonnes.* That’s equaling to the greenhouse gas emissions from more than 4,3 million road cargo trips from Rome to Stockholm. Neste’s persistent sustainability work has been recognized by the Dow Jones sustainability index being a Sustainability leader for the 17th consecutive year and on the Corporate Knight Global ranking Neste is among the 100 most sustainable companies in the world - 19th in the index and 1st in the Energy sector.
One’s waste is another’s resource!
Action guiding questions:
We encourage our guests to travel to the festival by I Land Sound bus or or share a ride with others in the I Land transport Facebook group. With the help of Luminor we restored 40 old bikes that were brought to light from old sheds in 2019. And each year we try to include as many local Saaremaa suppliers and service providers as possible, to avoid long distances.
We try to use mostly local produce for catering our team to reduce the carbon footprint caused by the transport of the food. In 2021 we took a step further and introduced our caterers to local farmers, to support the use of local and seasonal produce. We also ask each caterer to add at least one vegetarian option to their menu, since it’s a lot more environment friendly than meat options.
Our future plans aim to make our festival production trucks run on compressed gas. Our future plans aim to make our festival production trucks run on compressed gas. There are tens of trips made between the island and mainland and compressed gas produces 20-30% less greenhouse gasses and 95% less exhaust gasses than petrol.
From scraps and waste to new energy!
In 2019 we were the first festival in Estonia to use real tableware and in 2023 we are doing something different once again. In cooperation with our new energy partner Neste we are doing something that’s never been done in the Estonian festival field before and will be using almost 100% renewable energy. Over the course of four festival days the heart of I Land Sound is kept pumping by three generators, two of those support the beats of our stages and the third one keeps the rest of the festival area alive. From now on we won’t be feeding them with fossil diesel, instead we’ll use diesel fuel that’s made of waste and by-products of manufacturers. More than 10 renewable byproducts from different sources are used to produce Neste MY to produce Neste MY, including waste and byproducts of the food and fishing industry. The product development allows the use of a variety of waste, that’s left over from other industries. The supply sources are carefully monitored and verified by the EU’s quality standards and sustainability criteria.
We’ll produce less greenhouse gasses
Compared to fossil fuels the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted by the use of Neste MY is on average about 90% smaller.If we do our calculations based on the amount of fuel that’ll be used at I land Sound 2023 the festival would emit 10,140 kg of CO2. But if we use fuel made of sustainable resources instead, the amount would be only 930 kg of CO2. The decrease is more than tenfold. The methods that were used for the calculation meet the standards of the European Union’s Renewable Energy Directive (2018/28/EC).
Nordic innovation
A chemical recycling process called NEXBTL (Next Generation Biomass to Liquid) – a world-class patented technology that preserves the environment and thrives on the global circular economy is used in the process of producing diesel fuel from renewable raw materials. NEXBTL is Neste’s own innovation that enables to process sustainable materials into high quality low-carbon fuel.
In 2022 Neste’s renewable energy solutions helped their clients to lessen the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted by about 11.1 million tonnes.* That’s equivalent to the yearly carbon footprint of 1.8 million average EU citizens (source: World Bank) or to removing 4 million cars from the roads for a whole year. Neste’s hard work has been recognized with the DOW Jones sustainability index and they have earned a high place in the list of Global 100 most sustainable corporations in the world. One’s waste is another’s resource!
Sellest lähtuvalt valmis kevadel 2021 Illiku laiu ökokaart, mis annab meile vastavad suunised. Tegemist on Tallinna Ülikooli tudengi Brigita Permi magistritööga, mille raames viis ta oma juhendaja, TLÜ taimeökoloogia dotsendi Tiina Elvistoga juulis 2020 illikul läbi pöhjalikud välitööd. Samuti ei lase me illikut ülerahvastada, müües igal aastal vaid piiratud arvu pääsmeid.
I Land Sound festival has given birth to Kops, a carry-on container for cigarette butts, Kops and in 2019 we created a rental point and washing cart for reusable tableware..
In addition to the environment, sustainability in the organisation of the event also includes social sustainability, which is why the contribution to the local community is also important. We involve as many local people, products and service providers as possible every year; We ordered the 2019 hand-made festival wristbands from Saaremaa Chamber of People with Special Needs.
From scraps and waste to new energy!
In 2019 we were the first festival in Estonia to use real tableware and in 2023 we also did something different once again. In cooperation with our energy partner Neste, the world’s leading producer of renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel, we did something that had never been done in the Estonian festival field before - the festival used almost 100% renewable energy. In 2024 we continue to use renewable energy and cooperate with Neste! usingIn 2019 we were the first festival in Estonia to use real tableware and in 2023 we also did something different once again. In cooperation with our energy partner Neste, the world’s leading producer of renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel, we did something that had never been done in the Estonian festival field before - the festival used almost 100% renewable energy. In 2024 we continue to use renewable energy and cooperate with Neste!
Over the course of four festival days, the heart of I Land Sound will be pumped by the help of three generators, two of those support the music beats on our stages and the third one keeps the rest of the festival area alive. For the second year in a row, we won’t be powering the generators with fossil diesel, instead, we’ll use Neste MY Renewable Diesel made of 100 % waste and residue raw materials. Neste’s proprietary NEXBTL technology that turns renewable oils and fats into high-quality products.
Neste tarneallikaid jälgitakse hoolikalt ja kontrollitakse EL-i kvaliteedistandardite ja jätkusuutlikkuse kriteeriumide järgi.
Read more HERE.
We’ll produce less greenhouse gasses
Vörreldes fossiilkütustega on Neste MY taastuvdiisli kasutamisest eralduv kasvuhoonegaaside hulk keskmiselt 90%* väiksem. Kui nüüd rehkendada keskkonnamöju I Land Soundil 2023 aastal kasutatava kütusekoguse pealt, siis tavadiislit kasutades paiskaksime festivali toimumise jooksul öhku 11000 kg Co2e. Nüüd, kasutades taastuvtoorainest diislikütust, on see kogus aga vaid 920 kgCo2e. Üldine kasvuhoonegaaside heitkoguste vähendamine Island Soundi Neste MY taastuvdiisliga vördub 8600 kg/CO2e.
*The methods used for the calculation are based on the European Union’s Renewable Energy Directive (EU RED II 2018/2001/EU ).
Nordic innovation
NEXBTL technology is Neste’s own innovation - a unique platform that allows Neste to turn a wide variety of renewable fats and oils into premium-quality renewable products, such as fuels and feedstock for polymers and chemicals production.
2023. aastal aitasid Neste taastuvenergialahendused klientidel globaalselt vähendada oma kasvuhoonegaaside heitkoguseid kokku 11 miljoni tonni* võrra. See vördub enam kui 4,3 miljoni Roomast Stockholmi maanteekaubareisi kasvuhoonegaaside heitkogustega. Neste järjekindlat tööd jätkusuutlikkuse nimel on tunnustatud Dow Jonesi jätkusuutlikkuse indeksi järgi, mis on jätkusuutlikkuse liider juba 17. aastat järjest ning Corporate Knight Global edetabelis on Neste maailma 100 kõige jätkusuutlikuma ettevõtte hulgas – indeksis 19. ja energia sektoris 1. kohal.
One’s waste is another’s resource!
Action guiding questions:
We encourage our guests to travel to the festival by I Land Sound bus or or share a ride with others in the I Land transport Facebook group. With the help of Luminor we restored 40 old bikes that were brought to light from old sheds in 2019. And each year we try to include as many local Saaremaa suppliers and service providers as possible, to avoid long distances.
We try to use mostly local produce for catering our team to reduce the carbon footprint caused by the transport of the food. In 2021 we took a step further and introduced our caterers to local farmers, to support the use of local and seasonal produce. We also ask each caterer to add at least one vegetarian option to their menu, since it’s a lot more environment friendly than meat options.
Our future plans aim to make our festival production trucks run on compressed gas. Our future plans aim to make our festival production trucks run on compressed gas. There are tens of trips made between the island and mainland and compressed gas produces 20-30% less greenhouse gasses and 95% less exhaust gasses than petrol.
From scraps and waste to new energy!
In 2019 we were the first festival in Estonia to use real tableware and in 2023 we are doing something different once again. In cooperation with our new energy partner Neste we are doing something that’s never been done in the Estonian festival field before and will be using almost 100% renewable energy. Over the course of four festival days the heart of I Land Sound is kept pumping by three generators, two of those support the beats of our stages and the third one keeps the rest of the festival area alive. From now on we won’t be feeding them with fossil diesel, instead we’ll use diesel fuel that’s made of waste and by-products of manufacturers. More than 10 renewable byproducts from different sources are used to produce Neste MY to produce Neste MY, including waste and byproducts of the food and fishing industry. The product development allows the use of a variety of waste, that’s left over from other industries. The supply sources are carefully monitored and verified by the EU’s quality standards and sustainability criteria.
We’ll produce less greenhouse gasses
Compared to fossil fuels the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted by the use of Neste MY is on average about 90% smaller.If we do our calculations based on the amount of fuel that’ll be used at I land Sound 2023 the festival would emit 10,140 kg of CO2. But if we use fuel made of sustainable resources instead, the amount would be only 930 kg of CO2. The decrease is more than tenfold. The methods that were used for the calculation meet the standards of the European Union’s Renewable Energy Directive (2018/28/EC).
Nordic innovation
A chemical recycling process called NEXBTL (Next Generation Biomass to Liquid) – a world-class patented technology that preserves the environment and thrives on the global circular economy is used in the process of producing diesel fuel from renewable raw materials. NEXBTL is Neste’s own innovation that enables to process sustainable materials into high quality low-carbon fuel.
In 2022 Neste’s renewable energy solutions helped their clients to lessen the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted by about 11.1 million tonnes.* That’s equivalent to the yearly carbon footprint of 1.8 million average EU citizens (source: World Bank) or to removing 4 million cars from the roads for a whole year. Neste’s hard work has been recognized with the DOW Jones sustainability index and they have earned a high place in the list of Global 100 most sustainable corporations in the world. One’s waste is another’s resource!
As a result, Illiku's broad eco-map will be ready in spring 2021, which will give us the appropriate guidelines. This is the master's thesis of Brigita Perm, a student of Tallinn University, within the framework of which she and her supervisor, TLÜ associate professor of plant ecology Tiina Elvisto, carried out field work on the soil in July 2020. We also do not let the park become overcrowded by selling only a limited number of passes each year.
Does the sustainability plan extend to all areas of activity and procurement of the event?
I Land Sound festival has given birth to Kops, a carry-on container for cigarette butts, Kops and in 2019 we created a rental point and washing cart for reusable tableware..
In addition to the environment, sustainability in the organisation of the event also includes social sustainability, which is why the contribution to the local community is also important. We involve as many local people, products and service providers as possible every year; We ordered the 2019 hand-made festival wristbands from Saaremaa Chamber of People with Special Needs.
PEREKOND PIIDIVABRIK MTÜ | Reg: 80387125 | | © I Land Green 2024
Reg: 80387125 | |
© I Land Green 2024