I Land Sound takes place at the picturesque illiku islet in Orissaare, Saaremaa, which is also part of the worldwide UNESCO Men and biosphere network since 1990. The living environment here, which has been preserved for centuries, its peculiar traditions, and the hard-working local people with their good sense of humour have gained special acknowledgment for being able to live in harmony with nature. UNESCO biosphere areas are unique regions around the world of terrestrial, marine or coastal ecosystems or combinations of those, where you can get in touch with real nature, have a chance to taste local cuisine and enjoy art inspired by nature.
These areas are determined by the local government. The region must comply with minimum criteria and conditions, to be considered part of the international biosphere network.
Sellest lähtuvalt valmis kevadel 2021 Illiku laiu ökokaart, mis kaardistab laiu bioloogilise mitmekesisuse ja märgistab tundlikud alad, andmaks meile juhtnöörid, kus ja millal me toimetada vöime.
If music festivals are otherwise called environmental disasters, I Land Sound received the international AGF certificate in 2023. This story of the creation of the green festival was also shown on ETV2 and can now be watched on Jupiter. During the whole year, a filming crew followed the activities of the festival family and studied more closely what a sustainable lifestyle means and how I Land Sound - a festival that cares for nature and people and has crept into thousands of hearts - is born.
If music festivals are otherwise called environmental disasters, I Land Sound received the international AGF certificate in 2023. This story of the creation of the green festival was also shown on ETV2 and can now be watched on Jupiter. During the whole year, a filming crew followed the activities of the festival family and studied more closely what a sustainable lifestyle means and how I Land Sound - a festival that cares for nature and people and has crept into thousands of hearts - is born.
PEREKOND PIIDIVABRIK MTÜ | Reg: 80387125 | Kadi@ilandsound.ee | © I Land Green 2024
Reg: 80387125 |
Kadi@ilandsound.ee |
© I Land Green 2024